
Click here to see pictures of "Doheny Wood 2011"

The 2012 show is scheduled for Saturday, April 14, 2012. The meet
will be held at Doheny State Beach beginning at 8 AM and concluding at 3
PM. Doheny State Beach is located in Dana Point Harbor area at 25300
Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629. The woodie meet will be
held at the south end of the park. The host hotel is
Dana Point Marina Inn.
NO event entry fee for Doheny Wood 2012 No charge for spectators
State Park entry fee: $15
The club will host a dinner for woodie owners on Friday night the 13th
at Doheny State Beach Park, across the street from the host hotel.
Nearby Lodging

Doheny Wood
200 8

Doheny Wood
2007 Poster

Doheny Wood 2006

Wood 2005 Poster

1999 Aerial

2004 Aerial

2004 Poster

2003 Poster

2002 Poster

2001 Poster

2000 Poster

1999 Poster
Doheny Wood
Doheny 2011 was a
GREAT show. Friday night, over 120 Woodie Fanatics came out for our traditional
welcome to Doheny Wood. This year the food was provided by Outback Steak House.
What a feast! We all had a great time as tall tales were told around the
campfire. President Bill Medina showed off the original art work for the Doheny
Poster, the surfboards, and merchandise.
Saturday morning arrived early and cars began streaming into Doheny State Park.
By noon over 160 Woodies had arrived, and the parking lot was jammed with woodie
owners and locals checking out the cars, the raffle prizes, and of course, more
food. The SUN was shining by 9 AM! At 3PM, we wrapped up the car show, and
several woodies left for home. Many club members and guests stayed around for a
BBQ provided by SCWC. On Sunday morning, we gathered at the Woody Hut for
a cruise around the harbor and neighboring Capo Beach. Once again, thanks to all
the hard work of the many club volunteers, Doheny Wood turned out to be a
terrific event.
2011 Trophy
Best Stock-- George Nelson '46 Ford
Best Surf-- Jerry Witt '46 Mercury
Best Shoe Box-- Gerry Gambet '51 Ford
Best Custom-- Jim Grace '52 Ford F2
State Park-- Dave Holmes '46 Mercury Marmon Herrington
Wahinies-- Richard Akerblom '46 Sportsman
President's-- John Siragusa '39 Ford
Best Wood-- Chuck Mountjoy's '47 Ford
Best Paint-- Tim Wilson '40 Ford
Best of Show-- Ralph Larison '48 Ford
Info on Doheny Wood 2012
The 2012 show is scheduled for Saturday, April 14, 2012. The meet will be
held at Doheny State Beach beginning at 8 AM and concluding at 3 PM. Doheny
State Beach is located in Dana Point Harbor area at 25300 Dana Point Harbor
Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629. The woodie meet will be held at the south end of
the park. The host hotel is
Dana Point
Marina Inn
NO event entry fee for Doheny Wood 2012 No charge for spectators
State Park entry fee: $15
Nearby Lodging
Dana Point Marina
Inn - Our Host Hotel
800-255-6843 - Best Western
Dana Point Inn 949-240-0150
- Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort 949-661-5000
- Blue Lantern Inn (Bed &
Breakfast) 949-661-1304