Mike Keenan and his wife Kitty

Roger Roundy and his wife Norma

Steve Garretson 


Santa Barbara

Having fun at Santa Barbara


Past President
Bill Medina


Mark Gansel Founder and Past President of the SoCal Woodies

Past President
Gary Clark and
his wife Jane

Mark Gansel
Founder and Past President
1/2 Ton Woodie 

Terry and Baerbel Rogers

Tom MacDonald 
Social Chairman and
Past President

Terry and Baerbel Rogers

Past President
1951 Ford

Jay and Betty Nordgren's 50 Buick

Johnny Fotsch
Past President
1950 Ford

Jay Nordgren
Past President
Betty Nordgren
1950 Buick

Joel Cincotta Past President and Bev Cincotta of the SoCal Woodies

Valerie and Dan Simmons

Joel Cincotta
Past President
Bev Cincotta
1950 Ford

Dan Simmons
Past President�
Valerie Simmons
1951 Ford

Pat and Doug Blasingham

Mike and Shelly Chase

Doug Blasingham
Past President
Pat Blasingham
1940 Ford

Mike Chase
Past President
Shelly Chase
1951 Ford